LTTA – Spoleto Hosts the Second Training Event of the FARMS’ CHARM Project

Spoleto, June 3-7 – The second training activity of the FARMS’ CHARM project was held in Spoleto, organized by the Associazione Sviluppo Rurale (ASR). The event saw the participation of 14 representatives from project partners and other local entities, who engaged in training sessions and field visits to explore opportunities for farm diversification. The first […]

4th Transnational Project Meeting of the Farms’ Charm project organized by Cyprus Agrotourism Company in Nicosia, Cyprus on 12-13 of March 2024.

Τhe 4th Transnational Project Meeting of Farms’ Charm Project was organized in Nicosia, between 12-13 of March 2024, by Cyprus partners, Agrotourism Company. Ms. Annita Demetriadou representing the hosting organization CAC welcomed everyone in Nicosia and introduced the town and goals of the fourth transnational project meeting. Ms. Lucie Fickova from APF CR (the leading […]

3rd Transnational Project Meeting of the Farms’ Charm project organized by OnProjects in Granada, Spain in 19-20 of September 2023

During the meeting the hosting organization On Projects and the project coordinator APF CR (Czech Republic) welcome everyone and introduce the goals and the agenda of the third transnational project meeting. BEST (Austria) recapitulated the WP2 – Insight Educational guidelines for mentors in Agritourism and stated that are ready to be published. APF CR, the […]

LTTA – Learning Teaching Training Activity in Vienna, Austria

The LTTA – First training activity within the project Farms’ Charm – Diversification of Entrepreneurial Activities as the Pathway to the Sustainable Farming at Rural Areas – was organized with great success in the form of an incoming training visit for five days in Vienna, Austria and served to facilitate knowledge transfer, gain new know-how […]

Kick off meeting of the Farms’ Charm project organized in the Association of Private Farming in Prague, Czech Republic in October 2022

The kick off meeting of the Farms’ Charm project held in Prague before the end of last year with great success. During the first meeting the coordinators welcome the partners, presented the project and its main activities, the project management and implementation, the partner’s responsibilities for each of the work packages and the financial management. […]