The last transnational project meeting of the FARMS’ CHARM project took place in Spoleto, Italy. During the 1st day, the hosting organization ASR (Italy) and the project coordinator APF CR (Czech Republic) welcomed everyone and introduced the goals and the agenda of the last transnational project meeting. The coordinator from APF CR introduced the current project overview and the last steps partners must follow for the successful completion of the project. As the project management leaders, APF CR presented the crucial dates and timings, project timelines, the list of all the documents needed for the Final Report of the project, the financial reporting documents, etc.. Partners also discussed about the successful organization of the Multiplier events in each country and the dissemination of the project. Cyprus Agrotourism Company (CAC) has presented the means of the project dissemination so far, including websites, social media, Learning Hub, videos, as well as the next steps that should be carried out in the dissemination efforts. Then, the dissemination plan with the necessary indicators and numbers of people to be reached was discussed following the project coordinator ́s presentation. OnP has presented the evaluation of the project so far which includes very positive feedback. The LTTA’s reception in Spoleto, Italy was overall positive – engaging, well-organized, and innovative.
Final Dissemination Conference in Italy
The second day of the meeting, partners gathered for the final dissemination conference that took place in Istituto Tecnico Agrario di Sant’Anatolia di Norcia. Angelica and Francesco from Umbria Training Center, representing ASR, introduced the overall project and participants. Afterward, there were speeches by project partners from Spain, the Czech Republic and Cyprus and local agrotourism operators who have already taken an active part in the project and were able to relate their experience and provide important food for thought to the other farmers present, as well as to the other participants. Mrs. Annita Demetriadou, President of the Cyprus Agrotourism Company, presented the case of Cyprus and Aida from OnP introduced the Learning Hub via the interactive website of the project, and Lucie from APF CR presented the Educational Guidelines and the Creative Micro-learning Videos. Angelica from ASR concluded the project deliverables by introducing the Inspirational Case Studies.
Following this, local farmers were given the floor to talk about their experience in the field of multifunctionality, initiating an exchange of opinions and good practices to follow.